About Essex

Our Firm

Our firm provides outstanding service to our clients because of our dedication to three underlying principles: professionalism, responsiveness and quality.

Our corporate office is located at 7501 Paragon Rd. in Centerville, Ohio. In addition to our corporate office, we are expanding our business into Troy, Ohio. Through Buffalo Pacific, we will be opening a NEW branch in Troy that allows our firm to prepare taxes through a holographic machine placed in the Troy location. Our preparers at our corporate office will, as a result, be able to talk to clients through the machine, allowing remote tax preparation. This branch is currently in the process of being built and setup, but is expected to fully open by January of 2018. For more information on our new branch, please click here.


Our accounting corporation is one of the leading regional firms in the area. By combining our expertise, experience and the energy of our staff, each client receives close, personal and professional attention.

We make sure that every client is served by the expertise of our whole firm. Each member of our staff plays an important role in providing professional and customer-oriented service.


In the accounting world, responding quickly is essential to success. At Essex & Associates, we take pride in our ability to respond to clients in a timely manner, while also resolving any issues that may arise.

Through hard work, we have earned the respect of the business and financial communities. This respect illustrates our diverse talents, dedication and ability to respond quickly.


Our primary goal as a trusted advisor is to be available to provide insightful advice to enable our clients to make informed financial decisions. As a result, we hold ourselves to higher standards to ensure that we always provide high quality service.

We feel it is extremely important to continually professionally educate ourselves to improve our technical expertise, financial knowledge and service to our clients.

Our high service quality and “raving fan” clients are the result of our commitment to excellence.

We will answer all of your questions, as they impact both your tax and financial situations. We welcome you to contact us anytime.

Dr. Wayne T. Essex is a successful business owner.essex

He is the founder and owner of Essex & Associates, one of the largest accounting firms in Ohio.

He is also one of Dayton, Ohio’s top tax strategists and business coaches.

His firm was named the fastest growing business in Dayton, Ohio for 2009.

His firm grew at over 900%, achieving these results with no paid advertising.

Dr. Essex speaks throughout the United States and abroad addressing churches, schools, camps and professional business organizations and normally commands a substantial speaking fee.

However, if you are a church or a non profit organization, Dr. Essex will greatly discount his normal charge.

A very engaging speaker who uses much humor, illustrations, and object lessons (he gives away money).

He guarantees a presentation that is quite entertaining and will not be soon forgotten.

He receives standing ovations.

Wayne has conducted 100’s of presentations on a variety of different topics.

He is the author of over 300 publications including, “How to get rich”, “Is your family happy, holy or hell?”, “How to know God’s will”.

Dr. Essex may be contacted through his receptionist, Jessica, at his office.


Education History:

Wright State University
BS, Accounting/Finance
1974 – 1982

Liberty University
MBA, Masters of Business Administration
1990 – 1993

Louisiana Baptist University
Ph.D., Doctor of Philosophy
1996 – 2002